This project is a full service 50‐room ocean front destination hotel located on the pristine Sonoma Coast in the community of Timber Cove, California. Nestled on the cliffs of the county’s 132‐mile coastline is Timber Cove Inn, located at 21780 North Coast Highway One.
Timber Cove Inn is a two and three story, 31,791 square foot, full service ocean front hotel situated on 22.8 acres, overlooking the dramatic crashing waves of the Pacific Ocean, with ocean and mountain view rooms, in‐room fireplaces spa tubs and restaurant.
This resort is a popular seaside destination located only a few hours from the major metropolitan San Francisco Bay area. Having only two previous owners since its original construction in 1963, this hotel and surrounding acreage is ripe for redevelopment and positioning in the marketplace with the
capability to significantly increase occupancy, average daily rate and profitability.
Land Area 22.8 acres (approx.)
Number of Rooms 50
Hotel Size 31,791 sq. ft.